2014-04-19 Resurrection of Passover

Resurrection of Passover

April 19, 2014

Torah Reading: Exodus 34:10-21
B’rit Chadashah: Colossians 1:14-23

Message given at Beth Zion Messianic Synagogue in Jackson, New Jersey by Rabbi Jan Rosenberg

2 thoughts on “2014-04-19 Resurrection of Passover

  1. Shalom Jan; thank you for a great PASHAT, RAMEZ, & D’RUSH, you explained very well what lay beneath the surface, beautifully done, inspiring.
    You brought Mashiach closer !

  2. Thank you for a very nice Sermon. Being a Home Health Aide is hard and I have to stay with my patient so this podcast is wonderful. I will try to come visit very soon, hoping all is well is Messiah there and that the new addition will be done soon.
    Love in Messiah
    Velma Witkowski

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